God is seeking you. God sent His son, Jesus Christ as a Saviour for sinners and he came into to seek and to save the the lost.
God is seeking you. God sent His son, Jesus Christ as a Saviour for sinners and he came into to seek and to save the the lost.
Often, we can feel overwhelmed by the pressures and challenges of the Christian pathway. God desires for us to be overcomers for His glory. How do we overcome the pressures of sin, the flesh, and the devil? What is the secret power of the overcomer? The scriptures point us to the Lord Jesus, the great Savior who overcame the world. The secret power to being an overcomer is to trust in a person, not in ourselves, but in the one who has conquered sin and death: the living Lord Jesus.
Are you Rapture ready? The next great event to take place is the Rapture when the Lord Jesus will come back to take those who believe and trust in Him to be with Him in heaven. Are you ready? Have you trusted in the Lord Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord?
The Gospel is a message from God. Have you responded to this wonderful message of salvation? God desires for you to be saved and have peace with Him. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into the world, sent by God, to save sinners by going to Calvary’s cross.
When Jesus preached the Gospel, he spoke with authority. Many who heard him said, “No one ever spoke like this man!” In this Gospel preaching, you will learn about the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has the power to forgive sins and give you peace with God. Only Jesus has that authority. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Over 2000 years ago, Jesus journeyed to Calvary’s cross, where he laid down his life for sinners and shed his blood to bring salvation to fallen mankind.
The Gospel message is about Jesus Christ. Many people think Jesus was just a good man in history, but He is so much more than that. The Bible tells us He is God’s only Son who was sent into this world to save sinners from their sins and bring peace with a holy God. In our sins, we find ourselves at a distance from our holy Creator, but God in His wonderful love has provided a way of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about the friend of sinners, Jesus Christ who came into this would to seek and to save the lost.
God has shown His loving heart through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has not overlooked the sinner. Instead, God, in His love sent a saviour so he could pardon and forgive the sinner.
Do you have life in Christ? The beliver in the Lord Jesus should be living a life rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ the one who gives life abundantly. God desires for us to be a testomony for our Saviour, Jesus Christ. When people notice you at school, college or work do they see something of the life of Christ in you?