God through his infinite grace has provided a way of salvation for us through his beloved son, the Lord Jesus. Listen to the following message to discover what Jesus has done to save from your sins and give you peace with God.
God through his infinite grace has provided a way of salvation for us through his beloved son, the Lord Jesus. Listen to the following message to discover what Jesus has done to save from your sins and give you peace with God.
Over 2000 years ago Jesus came to this earth to save sinners. Out of love for you, he left heaven a place of glory to redeem you for himself. He journeyed to calvary’s cross where he suffered for our sins and shed his blood. By this great sacrifice, God is able to redeem the sinner who repents and believes.
Are you looking for Peace? Many people throughout the world today still continue to search for true lasting peace. In the Gospel, Jesus is able to give you real peace in your heart. Not like the world gives but peace with God through the wondrous work of the cross.
God loves you with an everlasting love. His hand is still outstretched in wonderful grace to you today. Will you reach out in faith and accept this great invitation?
Are you searching for peace? There is only one person who can bring a true sense of peace to our heart and that person is the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to the following Gospel message to discover how you can find true peace with God by trusting and believing in Christ.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about three people who had a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result of hearing the words of Jesus, each one came to know Jesus for themselves as their Saviour and Lord. The same message is going out today and God is saying to you come to me. What will you answer be?
What do you value most in your life? Money, Your Job, Cars, House… How about your soul? Jesus said that your soul is worth more than the rest of the world put together. God sent his only son Jesus into this world to rescue you and to save your soul. The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus journeyed to calvary’s cross to redeem us from our sins and bring us into the joy of knowing him as our saviour. This joy can be yours today if you surrender to Christ and accept him as saviour and Lord.
When someone obeys the Gospel and trusts in the Lord Jesus as their saviour they are given the right to be called a child of God. How is this possible? Because of the victorious work Jesus has completed at the cross.
Naturally, people hate waiting. We live in a world where everyone wants everything now. The spirt of man has always been NOW NOW NOW. But God desires a people who diligently seek him out. In the following address, you will hear what the scriptures say about waiting on the Lord.