Life… is one big journey. No matter what stage you are at on the Journey of Life a relationship with Jesus should be at the centre. Listen to this Gospel to discover the journey the Lord Jesus took to redeem sinners from perishing.
Life… is one big journey. No matter what stage you are at on the Journey of Life a relationship with Jesus should be at the centre. Listen to this Gospel to discover the journey the Lord Jesus took to redeem sinners from perishing.
Jesus is the way to life! Over 2000 years ago God sent his son, the Lord Jesus on a rescue mission to redeem the sinner. At the age of 33, Jesus began to share the Gospel with mankind and he boldly proclaimed the way we can receive eternal life. Listen to this Gospel message to discover how you can receive life from Jesus because of his wonderful victory at Calvary’s Cross.
“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Are you saved? The glorious news of the Gospel is there is a saviour who is able to save us and redeem, his name is Jesus.
The Bible tells us that without God we are without hope in this world. Today people all over the country are searching endlessly for hope but never find it. In fact it is true to say as result of mankind’s …
This world has many answers to the questions we have in our minds. When it comes to the question of salvation from our sins. What is the Answer? Well, the world would say good works, going to church or even giving …
The Gospel message is a message of hope that lasts forever. In fact to the person who has trusted in Jesus as saviour their eternal destination is fixed by the sufficient work of Christ. I trust as you listen to this …
You will hear of two extremes in this Gospel preaching. The first one referring to the heart of mankind is deceitfully wicked and the second one referring to God who is rich in love and mercy. God is so loving …
In this address, you will hear about the tressure that is found in earthen vessels. We hope as you listen to this recording you may be helped and encouraged in your walk with Christ.
In the believer’s life sometimes there comes a time when we need to be reawakened as to the things of God. This takes place by the word of God and the Holy Spirit working within. In this Address, you will hear of the importance of being reawakened.