There is a wonderful saviour proclaimed in the gospel, he is the Lord Jesus Christ. In this preaching, you will hear about a book that Jesus closed and a book that Jesus will open in a soon coming day. I …
There is a wonderful saviour proclaimed in the gospel, he is the Lord Jesus Christ. In this preaching, you will hear about a book that Jesus closed and a book that Jesus will open in a soon coming day. I …
The Lord Jesus has done a very wonderful work to rescue the sinner from perishing. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of what the Lord Jesus went through to secure salvation for mankind. So come and listen to this …
Over 2000 years ago Jesus came to seek and save sinners. God desires for everyone to be saved and to come to know him personally so he sent Jesus on a rescue mission to redeem us to himself. Bible Scriptures: …
How confident are you that you have eternal life? If you trust Jesus as your Lord and Saviour the Bible teaches that you will have full confidence in Him and the victory he’s won for us at the cross. Those who …
The Good News of the Gospel is that God has made a way in which the sinner can be forgiven, made new and have eternal life. God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ. …
Good News! There is a Saviour for sinners and that Saviour is Jesus. He came to bring Salvation by dying for our sins that we might be brought to God. The Bible tells us that God is holy and righteous …
The same God who is the creator of the universe is the author of the Bible who wants to meet with you and give you eternal life. Come meet the author today! Bible Scriptures:- Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a …
The greatest news in the whole world is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He came over 2000 years ago to bring the way of Salvation to mankind. Today the Gospel is still going out and the work Jesus …
If you read the old testament book of Isaiah you will discover that there are many verses telling us of the coming in of Jesus Christ. How amazing! God love really shines out to us when reading his word the …