Every day you wake up there is something new under the sun. This world is always changing from the second you put your head on the pillow until you wake up. But God never changes and his love never changes. The Gospel …
Every day you wake up there is something new under the sun. This world is always changing from the second you put your head on the pillow until you wake up. But God never changes and his love never changes. The Gospel …
Ever since the conversation with the serpent in garden mankind has been under the grip of the devil. The Bible says we are serving one of two masters either the Lord Jesus or Satan. The Good news of the Gospel is that …
The Gospel is a message about a person the Lord Jesus Christ. He came from heaven and journeyed to the cross where he suffered and died. Why did he go to the cross? The simple answer is “for YOU”. Our …
The Gospel is a message for everyone from God himself. It is all about Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world who came into this world to save you from your sins and give you eternal life.
Are you Saved? Is this a question you can answer with assurance. Well if not take some time to listen to the Gospel. It’s all about the Lord Jesus who came from heaven to save sinners. Throughout his life, He …
The Bible teaches us about the great mercy, love and grace of God. Mankind walked away from God’s blessings very early on in scripture but in God’s loving mercy he has drawn near to the sinner through his son, Jesus …
In this Address, you will hear of how we as believers satisfy the Lord Jesus Christ heart and how we should live our lives pleasing to him. I trust you are helped in your walk with the Lord as you listen to this recording.
Have you ever wondered as a believer in the Lord Jesus why you have been left on the earth? Well in this address you will hear of what God’s true purpose is for each one of us as believer in the Lord Jesus.