Many are searching for certainty today in politics, investment and many other avenues of life. The Gospel is preached that you may find the certainty Jesus can bring to your life when you trust in him as Lord and Saviour. …
Many are searching for certainty today in politics, investment and many other avenues of life. The Gospel is preached that you may find the certainty Jesus can bring to your life when you trust in him as Lord and Saviour. …
God is still saying to mankind today “Fear Not, for I Have Redeemed Thee” Jesus came over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission to redeem you. Have you been redeemed?
God loves you with an everlasting love. His hand is still outstretched in wonderful grace to you today. Will you reach out in faith and accept this great invitation?
God is perfect and the place where he dwells “Heaven” is perfect. Jesus tells us that if we want to enter heaven we need to be righteous. How can this be? Listen to the following address to discover how you can be made perfect in the eyes of God.
Is Jesus wonderful to you? In the following message, you will hear about the Lord Jesus and his victorious work at calvary. After hearing the Gospel we trust Jesus will be wonderful to you personally.
The foundations of God’s word are being destroyed today everywhere we look. Mankind says We’ve got a better answer to what God’s word says. As a Christian what can you do? As King David asked, “What can the righteous do?” Listen to the following address, and hear from the Bible how a Christian can remain faithful when depending on the Lord.
Naturally, people hate waiting. We live in a world where everyone wants everything now. The spirt of man has always been NOW NOW NOW. But God desires a people who diligently seek him out. In the following address, you will hear what the scriptures say about waiting on the Lord.
Come and explore the contrasts of Luke 15 as the Lord Jesus is presented as Saviour and Lord in the following Gospel preaching.
Do you have Peace with God? God sent his son Jesus Christ into the world to establish peace between mankind and himself. The Lord Jesus gave up his life on a cross and shed his blood. It is by his precious blood that peace has now been established for the sinner who trusts in Christ.