The Bible tells us there is only one name, Jesus Christ who offers hope and salvation to the human race. There is Power in the name of Jesus!
The Bible tells us there is only one name, Jesus Christ who offers hope and salvation to the human race. There is Power in the name of Jesus!
Is the name of Jesus precious to you? Over 2000 years ago the Lord Jesus came from heaven sent by God to save and to redeem his people from their sins. The Bible tells us that Jesus journeyed to Calvary’s Cross where HE took the sinners place to bring salvation and hope for you. Listen to this Gospel preaching, to hear more about the precious saviour, Jesus Christ and what he has done to rescue you.
The holiness of God is central to the character of the God we’ve come to know and love from the pages of scripture. When we come together to worship God we should always remember God is holy and we should show reverence in his holy presence. Listen to this word, to understand more about the holiness of God.
Jesus came over 2000 years ago as part of God’s rescue plan to save sinners from perishing. God’s love for you was so great Jesus willing went to Calvary’s cross to provide a means of salvation by laying down his life and shedding his precious blood. Listen to this Gospel preaching, to find out more about God’s amazing rescue plan.
God’s love has remained the same throughout history towards the sinner. In Romans, it tells us “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. No one could point to a greater love than that! Listen to the this Gospel preaching and find out more about God’s love demonstrated in the person of his son the Lord Jesus.
Jesus faced all the challenges that we face as mankind, and yet he remained perfect and without sin. He was sent by God to provide salvation to fallen sinful man. God’s word tells us there is only one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus. Have you accepted Jesus as your Saviour and Lord?
Jesus came into the world to save and redeem sinners to himself. God’s love for each one of us was so great he didn’t pass the sinner by but he has provided a way of salvation through his beloved son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the only person you can trust and have full confidence in his promises. Even the very best friends and family can let you down. In the Gospel, a saviour is presented who can meet the need and satisfy …
God is able to save you and cleanse you from your sins through the work Jesus completed at Calvary’s cross. Have you been redeemed? There is power in the blood of Jesus to save you and bring you into God’s presence. The power of God makes it possible simply believe and trust in Jesus and he will make all things new.