God has given another opportunity for the Gospel to preached again. Please don’t neglect so great salvation. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear what God has done to save mankind from sin and bring in enteral life.
God has given another opportunity for the Gospel to preached again. Please don’t neglect so great salvation. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear what God has done to save mankind from sin and bring in enteral life.
God is still speaking to mankind today. The Gospel is preached by God’s wonderful grace and love that you may be saved and come into the blessing of eternal life. Jesus went to Calvary’s cross over 2000 years ago that there may be a righteous way basis to come out in blessing to the sinner.
Jesus came to bring hope to fallen man. The Bible tells us that as sinners we have fallen short of the glory of God but the Gospel is preached to announce the Good News that Jesus saves. Listen to the following Gospel preaching to discover what Jesus has done to save sinners.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of 5 facts of the Gospel from God’s holy word. There is a certain hope found the person of Jesus listen to this message to discover how you can be at peace with God and know that your sins are forgiven.
Have you heard the Wondrous Story of Jesus and his love? Over 2000 years ago Jesus was born into this world to save sinners. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover what Jesus accomplished at Calvary to provide salvation for your soul.
God’s word is absolutely true and it remains the same throughout this changing world. God is still speaking today in 2018 and through his Gospel invitation, he is pointing to the Lord Jesus as the saviour for sinners. The Bible says, “there is only one mediator of God and men one, [the] man Christ Jesus”. Have you accepted Jesus as your saviour and Lord?
Each of the scriptures read in this gospel preaching refer to seeing Jesus. Mankind looks to many things today find joy, peace & satisfaction but nothing seems to satisfy. God sent Jesus his only son that your soul might find satisfaction in Him. Jesus came over 200 years ago to redeem us that we might know his everlasting love.
The Bible says our sins are the reason we have been separated from a relationship with the holy God. Our natural reaction may be to go to church, do some good charitable deed to earn favour with God. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the Lord Jesus who came into this world as a saviour for sinners and shed his precious blood to provide salvation for you. It was at Calvary where God dealt with our sin and has provided salvation through the blood of Christ. There is Power in the Blood!
In the following word, you will hear what the book of Hebrews has to say to us about Exaltation & Warning. God desires for the Chrisitan to walk faithfully and be a true witness for the Lord Jesus.