There is a person who can bring you into the presence of God “Heaven” and he wants to give you eternal life. His name is Jesus who came into the world to bring Salvation to a fallen race. It’s by …
There is a person who can bring you into the presence of God “Heaven” and he wants to give you eternal life. His name is Jesus who came into the world to bring Salvation to a fallen race. It’s by …
In Christ, each believer has total security because of the victorious work of Jesus. If we build our lives firmly on the Lord Jesus Christ we can say we have a firm foundation. In this address, you will hear more of how we’ve to be brought into a safe place by the love and grace of God.
The Bible tells us we have sinned in the sight of a holy God but there is good news to share. Jesus came over 2000 years ago to rescue the sinner and provide salvation by going to Calvary’s cross. Jesus died and rose again three days later. This glorious message is being preached that you might be SAVED and receive it by Faith.
Jesus who is King of King’s Lord of Lord’s came to this earth over 2000 years ago to bring Salvation to mankind. The scriptures tell us that Jesus who is King of Kings was born into this world. He knew …
Jesus Christ came to this earth over 2000 years ago to bring Salvation to mankind. The Bible tells us that God is holy which means he’s perfect. If you read Romans 3:23 you will learn that the bible tells us …
Each day a Newspaper is printed. With pages and pages of news some mostly bad and sometimes there is a little good news. But in the whole history of the world there has only been one piece of Good News …
In the Gospel, we learn that God has decreed that every man has an appointment with Jesus. The Bible tells us that everyone will either meet Christ as the saviour we love or as the judge we didn’t expect. Are you ready for your appointment with Jesus? We don’t know the time or the date of this appointment but God’s word tells us to answer to the Gospel invitation and be ready for our appointment with Jesus.
As a believer, Christ should be our object in our daily walk. The scriptures say to fix your eyes on Jesus the leader and completer of faith. Listen to this address to learn from God’s word about the importance of running the race with our eyes fixed on Jesus.
In the following address you will hear what the scripture says about Jesus as High Priest. Once we have become a Christian we are not left alone to face our struggles and fears but we have Jesus with us every step of our lives. He is able to sympathise with the believer and he is continually serving us and interceding for us before the right hand of God.