We learn from the Bible that God is holy and perfect and cannot have sin in his presence. We also read in the Bible of mankind’s imperfect ways their “sins”. “All have fallen short of God’s glory” But there is …
We learn from the Bible that God is holy and perfect and cannot have sin in his presence. We also read in the Bible of mankind’s imperfect ways their “sins”. “All have fallen short of God’s glory” But there is …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of four different ways a soul can be before God. As you listen you will also hear of how God has acted in love by sending his son the Lord Jesus Christ to …
As you listen to this Gospel preaching you will hear the Good News. Of how the sinner can be forgiven of their sins and have the blessing of eternal life simply by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the need we all have for an Interpreter. The Interpreter that we all need is found in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bible Scriptures:- Genesis 42:21-24 “21 Then they said one to …
Many people all around the world are struggling with all kinds of problems. But where are you in relation to God? In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of two men who both were struggling against God. But by God’s …
Good News! There is a Saviour for sinners and that Saviour is Jesus. He came to bring Salvation by dying for our sins that we might be brought to God. The Bible tells us that God is holy and righteous …
The Bible tells us that we are sinners before a holy and righteous God. Now that’s a problem because God being perfect and righteous can not have imperfect people in his presence. But God so loved the world that he …
In this address, you will hear what the scriptures mean when they refer to the name of the Lord. I trust as you listen to this Address you may be encouraged to learn more as to the Name of the …
There is only one place where hope can be found, and that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Mankind fell but God in his great love for us sent his only son Jesus to redeem us and save us.