What is the Assembly? In this talk from Compass, you will hear what the scriptures say about the bride of Christ, the assembly.
What is the Assembly? In this talk from Compass, you will hear what the scriptures say about the bride of Christ, the assembly.
At the beginning of Genesis, we hear about the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then as you move into the new testament we see the reality of the Lord Jesus God’s only son crucified upon calvary’s cross. These two …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the most Beautiful scenes of all time. The source of these Beautiful scenes is found in God’s holy and perfect word the Bible. I trust as you listen to this preaching you will …
In the following Gospel preaching, you will hear of the fall of man. When sin entered into the world it resulted in separation from a holy God. But God’s love is so great the Gospel is still going out proclaiming …
God’s heart is still toward mankind today. The door of mercy is still open by God’s grace for sinners to be saved. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about how God is still speaking to mankind and pleading with them …
In this Address, you will hear of how we as believers satisfy the Lord Jesus Christ heart and how we should live our lives pleasing to him. I trust you are helped in your walk with the Lord as you listen to this recording.
The Gospel message isn’t a complicated one. It’s a simple message about God’s great love and mercy towards mankind. The Bible tells us as sinners we are separated from God’s holy presence. But God’s love was so great for mankind …
We learn from the Bible that God is holy and perfect and cannot have sin in his presence. We also read in the Bible of mankind’s imperfect ways their “sins”. “All have fallen short of God’s glory” But there is …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of four different ways a soul can be before God. As you listen you will also hear of how God has acted in love by sending his son the Lord Jesus Christ to …