This talk at Refresh 2025 explored how Jesus’ sacrifice brings salvation, redeems us from sin, and satisfies God’s justice. It highlighted the depth of His grace and the freedom found in His redemption.
This talk at Refresh 2025 explored how Jesus’ sacrifice brings salvation, redeems us from sin, and satisfies God’s justice. It highlighted the depth of His grace and the freedom found in His redemption.
Jesus laid down His life for sinners like you because He loved you. Throughout all of history, there has been no greater love ever shown than the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. In our sins, we have all fallen short of God’s holy standard. One sin can keep us out of His holy presence, but God has demonstrated His love for us: “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Are you Rapture ready? The next great event to take place is the Rapture when the Lord Jesus will come back to take those who believe and trust in Him to be with Him in heaven. Are you ready? Have you trusted in the Lord Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord?
The Lord Jesus journeyed to Calvery’s cross over 2000 years ago for you. We read in the pages of God’s word, ” the word of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but to us that are saved it is God’s power”. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier is “SIN”.
Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. He journeyed to the cross where he laid down His life for you. By this great sacrifice God is able to cleanse and offer salvation for those who comein repentece and faith to His son, Jesus Christ.
It is a wonderful thing to come to know Jesus as your personal Saviour. To know that our sins have been forgiven and we have peace with God. It is important though that each believer in Christ is set apart for the glory of God. There is a battle going on in the soul daily. How do we have victory in Jesus each day? In this ministry word we look at scriptures form God’s word to encourage the believer in Jesus to stand for God in days of difficulty.
God ways are not our ways. The wonderful news of the Gospel is that God has sent His Son, the Lord Jesus to bring salvation to fallen man. Through the preaching of Gospel, God’s love has been revealed in Jesus …
God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ into this world to redeem mankind from their sins. The Bible tells us that our sins have separated us from a holy and righteous God but there is wonderful news in the Gospel. Jesus has paid for our sin penalty in full when He went to Calvary’s Cross and shed his precious blood. Through this great sacrifice of the Lord Jesus we can be redeemed, brought to God and receive sonship.
The Gospel is preached that you may be delivered from this present evil world. God desires for you to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus came into this world to deliver the sinner from sin, death and the devil that we might be brought into eternal life.
Everything we do in our lives should be centred around the Lord Jesus Christ. In this Gospel discover the hope that is available in Jesus. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Philippians 1:21“For for me to live [is] Christ, and to …