This talk recorded at Refresh 25 explores how God sets believers apart for His purposes and transforms them into the image of Christ. It examined the ongoing work of God renewing our hearts and minds, leading to a life that reflects Christ.
This talk recorded at Refresh 25 explores how God sets believers apart for His purposes and transforms them into the image of Christ. It examined the ongoing work of God renewing our hearts and minds, leading to a life that reflects Christ.
This talk at Refresh 2025 explored how Jesus’ sacrifice brings salvation, redeems us from sin, and satisfies God’s justice. It highlighted the depth of His grace and the freedom found in His redemption.
In this Gospel you will hear about what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for you that you might be saved from your sins. How wonderful it is to have the weight of sin lifted from your life. The Bible tells us that nothing but the blood of Jesus can wash away our sins.
In this address you will hear about the things that God is doing at the present time. From the scriptures read you will hear what God the Father is doing, what the Holy Spirit is doing and what the Lord Jesus is doing.
God has provided a wonderful Saviour, His own Son, Jesus Christ, to save you from your sins. If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit we have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. The scriptures tell us, ‘But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love wherewith He loved us.’ God sent the Lord Jesus to Calvary’s Cross to bring salvation for sinners. This wonderful salvation is available to you as a FREE gift. Will you receive it?
Often, we can feel overwhelmed by the pressures and challenges of the Christian pathway. God desires for us to be overcomers for His glory. How do we overcome the pressures of sin, the flesh, and the devil? What is the secret power of the overcomer? The scriptures point us to the Lord Jesus, the great Savior who overcame the world. The secret power to being an overcomer is to trust in a person, not in ourselves, but in the one who has conquered sin and death: the living Lord Jesus.
There is coming a day when the Lord Jesus will reign in righteousness. In a world of sorrow and hardships, the believer in the Lord Jesus can take comfort from God’s word that tells us the Lord Jesus is coming back to take us to be with Himself. In this address, you will hear more about the world to come and the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. For each believer this is a prospect bright, unfailing.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear of two things that God wants to give mankind. These are the forgivness of sins & the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Do you have peace? Many people today are searching for peace. In the Gospel, there is good news because Jesus can give you peace. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into this world to seek and to save sinners. He went to Calvery’s cross where he laid down His life for our sins. The scripture says peace has been made by the blood of His cross. Our sins can be forgiven and we can have peace with God because of the victorious work of Jesus.