The Apostle Paul came to know Jesus as his Saviour and he wanted everyone to experience the love of Christ.
The Apostle Paul came to know Jesus as his Saviour and he wanted everyone to experience the love of Christ.
The Holy Spirit is here with an objective to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. In this address, you will hear what God set on when the Holy Spirit came at the beginning of Pentecost.
The following scriptures refer to Christ being made sin, Lord and Christ and made wisdom. In this address, you will discover that Jesus who came into the world as Saviour has now been exalted by God the Father. Bible Scriptures: …
When a Christian company is rooted and founded in the Lord Jesus God is pleased to add his blessing to that company. In the early Acts, the Lord added [to the assembly] daily those that were to be saved. If every Christian is truly rooted in the Lord Jesus God will be pleased to prosper the work of God in each locality.
In the following address you will hear about perseverance. The Bible tells us as a Christian in this world we will receive conflict in some way. But its important during these times to remain strong in the Lord Jesus. The scriptures tell us to persevere in the things of God. How can we do this? Well God has not left us alone, in fact he has provided the believer with every resource to make a stand. These two resources are the word of God and his Holy Spirit.
In the following address, you hear a word about Manhood in perfection by the Lord Jesus Christ.
The apostle Paul was one who was fully persuaded to believe the Gospel. Since Paul met the Lord Jesus on the Damascus road he never was the same again. He had a hope that no man could ever take away …
Where is Jesus now many ask? The scriptures say Jesus has ascended into Heaven. Listen to the following address to discover what God’s word tells us about Jesus being made Lord and Christ.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of four great wonders that magnify the wonderful work of Christ. Bible Scriptures:- John 1:1-5 “ In [the] beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 *He* …