In the following address, you will hear what the scripture says about the appearing of the Lord, the world to come and the day of God.
In the following address, you will hear what the scripture says about the appearing of the Lord, the world to come and the day of God.
God has a desire for the believer to be a faithful steward for Christ. Whoever you are if you make you are if available God will make you able. In the following address, you will hear from God’s word about being a …
Are you Looking for the coming of Lord? The scriptures tell us to be ready and to watch for the return of our Lord and saviour. Are you ready?
Are you prepared to take your share in Suffering for Christ? The scriptures call believers to be good soldiers for Jesus Christ to be a true witness to him and the standards of God.
Listen to the following address, about Emmanuel, God with Us. This wonderful truth shines out of scripture and reveals God’s loving heart to each one of us.
There is coming a day when God will reward his people with an incorruptible crown. There are five different scriptures that refer to believers receiving crowns as a reward for being faithful and serviceable to the Lord Jesus. Listen to the following address to understand more about the crowns of scripture.
It is so important to hold firm to the things of God. In the following address, you will hear the necessity of having sound teaching. This of course is the key ingredient to having a sound mind as we serve the Lord Jesus in our lives today.