Christians need to understand the times in which we live that we might know how best to serve the Lord Jesus. Listen to the following address, to discover what the scriptures say about understanding the times.
Christians need to understand the times in which we live that we might know how best to serve the Lord Jesus. Listen to the following address, to discover what the scriptures say about understanding the times.
God has provided a wonderful Saviour in the Gospel, the man Christ Jesus. Over 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus came into this world to save you from your sins. The scriptures tell us that our sins have separated us far from God but there is hope found in the man Christ Jesus.
In this address, you will hear of Four Men who stood fast for God. Each of these individuals could have been downcast but each one came to know that God was with them throughout the challenges and struggles of life.
To live we all require food & drink to grow and sustain our bodies. God desires for His people to be fed spiritually by the word of God. Regular nourishment for the soul is vital for the Christian life. In this address, you will discover the importance of reading and studying the Bible to bring nourishment to your soul.
God is still speaking to mankind in the Gospel today. It is the Lord’s desire that you may respond to His call to you in the Gospel and be fully persuaded by his word.
There is hope and life found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that over 2000 years ago Jesus stepped into this world to save sinners. Listen to this Gospel preaching, to discover how you can receive life by coming to Jesus.
In this world, we can be influenced by the wrong things. Sin can take over our lives and we can fall into sins. The Gospel is preached that you may be SAVED from your sins through the work of Jesus …
God has given another opportunity for the Gospel to preached again. Please don’t neglect so great salvation. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear what God has done to save mankind from sin and bring in enteral life.
Jesus can give you a sure hope that is certain. The Bible tells us in our sins we were without hope but God has provided salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ. From the following scriptures, you will hear about a sure hope, a sure foundation and a firm foundation.