The coming of Jesus is very near. God’s word tells us that the coming of the Lord is the next great event to take place. The Gospel is preached as a warning to awaken you out of your life of sin to come to Jesus, the Saviour of sinners.
The coming of Jesus is very near. God’s word tells us that the coming of the Lord is the next great event to take place. The Gospel is preached as a warning to awaken you out of your life of sin to come to Jesus, the Saviour of sinners.
God continues to show his compassion for mankind as another opportunity is given for sinful man to receive salvation. Over 200 years ago, Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. The Bible tells us that Jesus journeyed to calvary’s cross where He suffered for our sins. What a Saviour! Listen to this Gospel to hear more of the wonderful grace and the love of God.
The Bible tells us that there a way of escape from the coming judgment. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover how you can find the way of escape in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus came into the world to save sinners so that there may be a way of salvation.
The Lord desires for each beliver to grow in their Christian life and bear fruit. In this address, you will hear about the growth of the Chrisitan.
How does a Christian grow in their walk with Christ? In the following address, you will hear what the scriptures say about growth and how we as Christians should grow in our love and appreciation of our saviour Jesus Christ.
Jesus kept no secrets when he came to this earth. He was always honest about who he was and what he came to do. In the following address, you will hear about the things concerning himself. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation …
The message of the Gospel brings hope to every sinner’s doorstep. In Christ, we can be set free from the slavery of sin and brought into complete freedom. It’s all been made possible because of God’s wonderful grace in sending …
In this address, you will hear of the glory of the Lord Jesus as the bright Morning Star. Who shines so brightly overall others and guides us safely along our Christian pathway.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the Christian Way and what it means to trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Today the Gospel is still being preached by God’s love, mercy and grace. Have you entered into …