The Gospel is a message of hope, announcing to mankind salvation from sins and peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you have this hope? It is available to anyone who believes and trusts in the Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The Gospel is a message of hope, announcing to mankind salvation from sins and peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you have this hope? It is available to anyone who believes and trusts in the Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Each of these scriptures speak of being sent. In this Gospel preaching you will hear of Naaman and how God instructed him how to be cured of his leprosy.
In this address you will hear of what the scriptures say about The Knowledge of Christ. It is the purpose of each believer to know Jesus in a personal way as our Lord and Saviour.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear of your need to be cleansed from you sins. The Bible tells us that nothing but the blood of Jesus can cleanse us from our sins and gives us peace with God. Only the completed work of the Lord Jesus is able to bring peace and cleanse from all sin.
As believers in the Lord Jesus we have need for Endurance for the Christian pathway. Through all the trials, temptations and challenges of life that we face we need Endurance. In this address, you will hear how we can endure through difficult times with the Lord who provides strength for the pathway.
God is able to wash away our sins by the the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. The scriptures tell us that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Over 200 years ago, Jesus went to Calvary’s cross where he took on himself our sins that we may be saved.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the way of life. The Lord Jesus came into the world to save sinners and bring mankind into eternal life.
In this address, you will hear of Four Men who stood fast for God. Each of these individuals could have been downcast but each one came to know that God was with them throughout the challenges and struggles of life.
What does it mean to be a committed Christian? The Lord is looking for believers who have a total commitment to him in their Christian life. Listen to this address to find out what the scriptures say about being a committed Chrisitan.