In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about The Christian Way. From God’s word we learn that it is by coming to Jesus, we can obtain eternal life and forgiveness of sins through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about The Christian Way. From God’s word we learn that it is by coming to Jesus, we can obtain eternal life and forgiveness of sins through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The …
The Gospel is preached with great urgency because sinners are perishing and they need a Saviour. Form the scriptures we learn that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but the Gospel is preached to …
Today is the Day of Salvation… God has given you another opportunity for you to hear the Gospel invitation. Have you accepted this wonderful invitation? There is coming a day when the Gospel message will cease but now at this moment, you can be saved by calling on the name of the Lord. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He journeyed to Calvery’s Cross where he suffered for your sins that you may be SAVED. Today is the Day of Salvation oh friend accepted Jesus as your saviour today.
You can obtain Eternal Life simply by trusting in Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. The Bible tells us that God is holy and cannot have sin in his presence. The Good news in the Gospel is that Jesus journeyed to Calvary’s Cross where he suffered for our sins. On the cross, Jesus shed his precious blood and by that great sacrifice, God is able to cleanse us from our sins.
Look to Jesus Christ and Live. The Bible says all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. God has provided salvation through his son, Jesus Christ.
There are many treasures in this world that mankind label as valuable. However, the Bible tells us the way to find The Greatest Treasure is by coming to Jesus and accepting him as Lord and Saviour.
God is not reckoning our offences. Jesus came into this world to save sinners and make known the love of God. The Bible says God “was reconciling the world to himself”. At Calvary’s cross Jesus took on himself the sins of mankind that we may be saved. Listen to this Gospel preaching to hear more about Reconciliation.
In this world, men have big ideas on how life shall be lived and opinions on the best route to happiness. Without Christ though our lives feel empty and unrestful. The Gospel is preached that you may find forgiveness and peace with God through the work Jesus completed at Calvary’s Cross. Is it well with your Soul? Listen to this Gospel preaching to find out how you can have rest for your soul in Jesus.
It is very easy to be occupied with your career choices, the next holiday to take or the next project to begin but have you stopped to consider where you will spend eternity? The Bible tells us that our sin has separated us from a Holy God. However, the Gospel is proclaimed with GOOD NEWS because of Jesus and his victorious work at Calvary’s Cross. Find out more… Tune in to this Gospel!