Our sins have carried us far away form God but in the scriptures we read that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. The love of God shines out that whosoever will may come to the blessing of …
Our sins have carried us far away form God but in the scriptures we read that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. The love of God shines out that whosoever will may come to the blessing of …
Although your sins may be many God is not holding them against you. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself there is opportunity in the Gospel to be reconciled to God because of the work of the Lord Jesus.
What possession in your life is most precious to you? Everyone will answer this question differently. The Gospel is preached to focus our attention on a possession that is far greater than anything material; a relationship with the Savour, Jesus Christ.
God is calling you in the Gospel today. Have you responded to His invitation? Maybe you heard the Gospel message before or perhaps it’s your first time listing to God’s invitation. The Bible tells us TODAY is the day of salvation. Over 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus came into this world to redeem sinful man from the coming judgment. God sent His OWN Son Jesus, to die in your place. He was crucified on a cross and shed His blood for YOU! By this great sacrifice God is able to forgive our sins and cleanse us righteously.
God has provided wonderful Salvation for us through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In this Gospel preaching you will hear what the scriptures say about God’s Unspeakable FREE Gift and you can receive this gift in repentance and faith.
One day passes very quickly into another and very swiftly a week passes, then a month and then a year. How are you spending your days? The Gospel is preached to awaken your heart to the need of a Saviour. Our sins have separated us from the presence of a holy God. There is nothing we can do to earn salvation but God in His great love for us has provided a Saviour in Jesus Christ.
God desires for you to be reconciled with him. The Bible tells us that our sin has brought in distance between us and a holy God. There is good news in the Gospel, the Lord Jesus came into this world to reconcile us to God. Listen to this Gospel preaching to discover how you can be reconciled by the completed work of Jesus.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the Lord Jesus Christ who God sent into this world to save sinners. The Bible tells us that Jesus who was rich became poor that we may be enriched. Over 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus went to Calvary’s cross where he laid down His life for sinners that we may have salvation through Him.
The is preached to announce the wonderful news of the Saviour, Jesus Christ who came into this world to save sinners.