Salvation is God’s gift to you – a gift of freedom from sin, made possible by Jesus, who took our punishment on the cross. In this Gospel message, you will be presented with five key questions that reveal your need for salvation in the Lord Jesus.
Salvation is God’s gift to you – a gift of freedom from sin, made possible by Jesus, who took our punishment on the cross. In this Gospel message, you will be presented with five key questions that reveal your need for salvation in the Lord Jesus.
Paul is telling the Corinthian believers that their transformed lives serve as a living letter—a testimony to Christ’s work. Rather than needing a written recommendation, Paul says that their faith and conduct are proof of the gospel’s power. In this word, we are challenged to weather this could be said of each of us as believers in the Lord Jesus.
God’s love is beyond measure! He proved it by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Saviour. Through His life, death, and resurrection, we find redemption, hope, and eternal life.
What does normal Christian life look like? In this short ministry word you will hear what the scriptures teach us about the normal things of Christianity.
The Lord Jesus provides a wonderful model of how we should live before God. Scripture instructs us repeatedly to look to Jesus, beholding His glory and greatness.
Jesus teaches us to store treasures in heaven, not on earth where moth and rust spoils. In this ministry word, you will hear from God’s word about the importance of laying up treasures in heaven.
It is God’s desire for the children of God to be gathered together as one. In this address, you will hear what God is doing in gathering. God is still working today to gather the children of God, who were scattered abroad, into one.
How do we live the Christian life? Believers often find it difficult to walk the Christian path. What is the answer? The Bible tells us to look to our risen Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who is faithful to guide us through life’s challenges. It is the Lord Jesus who can give us the power to transform our lives for His glory.
There is coming a day when the Lord Jesus will reign in righteousness. In a world of sorrow and hardships, the believer in the Lord Jesus can take comfort from God’s word that tells us the Lord Jesus is coming back to take us to be with Himself. In this address, you will hear more about the world to come and the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. For each believer this is a prospect bright, unfailing.