In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the grace of God, the love of God and the glory of God.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the grace of God, the love of God and the glory of God.
In this word, you will hear of God’s amazing faithfulness to us. God’s word is faithful and true and stands throughout all time. He has provided full salvation for us in Christ and he has brought us into the fellowship …
God’s word (the bible) is faithful and remains the same throughout the ages. When we pick up a bible we read about a Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. Who came into the world to save sinners from perishing. In this …
In the following Gospel preaching you will hear about the faithfulness of the word of God. God’s living and holy word the Bible is faithful which basically means its true and remains the same forever. God Himself has been faithful …
Jesus life was full of purpose and he never strayed from it. From the age of 12 years old, the scriptures tell us that Jesus said he was about his Father’s business. The Lord has a purpose for you and He desires for you to know God’s purpose and fix your eyes on it that you may an effective testimony for him.
Have YOU been SAVED for Glory? and Have YOU been SAVED by Jesus?
Do you have a personal relationship with the man Christ Jesus? It is important for everyone to know Jesus as a personal Saviour. Without Christ, we are lost and found without hope but God in his wonderful love has reached out to us through his son, The Man Christ Jesus.
In the following address, you will hear about the blessed hope the believer has in Christ. May you be encouraged by the word of God which shines brightly of the Glory & Power of Jesus.
God desires for you to be saved and come to know him personally as a saviour God. At Calvary’s Cross God has demonstrated his love for you by sending his only son, Jesus Christ as saviour. The Bible says our sins have separated us from God’s holy presence but the good news in the Gospel is that we can be brought back to God through Jesus the victorious saviour.