In this address, you will hear what the Bible teaches about The Assembly, The Body & The Bride.
In this address, you will hear what the Bible teaches about The Assembly, The Body & The Bride.
God is faithful and his word and promises still remain the same even today. In the following address, you will hear from scripture about the faithfulness of God.
There is rest for the believer in the tender love of Jesus. Are you resting in the love of Jesus? It is God’s desire that you may find rest for your soul in the glorious saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.
One day the Lord Jesus is going to return for each believer. Jesus said, “I will not leave you as orphans I am coming to you”. The Christian has a sure and unshakable hope. In this address, you will hear of …
As a believer in Jesus, we can enjoy having fellowship with one another. Listen to this address to discover what the scriptures say about fellowship.
There is coming a day when God will reward his people with an incorruptible crown. There are five different scriptures that refer to believers receiving crowns as a reward for being faithful and serviceable to the Lord Jesus. Listen to the following address to understand more about the crowns of scripture.
From the two scriptures read in this address, you will hear of the gift of God and the gift of the Lord’s body. I trust as you listen to this Address you will be encouraged and assured that the God …