In this Gospel preaching you will hear about God’s view of the world, God’s view of you and God’s view of Christ. I trust as you listen to this Gospel preaching you may come to see yourself in need of …
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about God’s view of the world, God’s view of you and God’s view of Christ. I trust as you listen to this Gospel preaching you may come to see yourself in need of …
In This address, you will hear of the real need for Christians to stand for Christ in the last days. We may feel unprepared but God will give you the strength.
As you listen to this Gospel preaching you will hear the Good News. Of how the sinner can be forgiven of their sins and have the blessing of eternal life simply by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. …
The Gospel is a simple message. It is full of good news and God is sending out this message today as He is able to save you through the work of Christ. Jesus came to this earth to rescue the …
What Jesus has completed at the Cross is central to Christianity. It tells us of our punishment but it also tells us of a Saviour. For it was Jesus Christ who came and step into our place to bring Salvation …
The Gospel requires a response from everyone. No one is left out of the love of God. The Bible tells us God so loved the world that he sent Jesus as a Saviour. Why?? Because of our Sin. You see …
While the Lord Jesus was here on earth He set on an occasion called the Lord’s Supper. The scriptures tell us in observing the Lord’s Supper we assemble to remember the work of Christ and hope of His soon return. In this address, you will hear of the central place the Lord’s Supper has in the Christian life.
The following scriptures refer to Christ being made sin, Lord and Christ and made wisdom. In this address, you will discover that Jesus who came into the world as Saviour has now been exalted by God the Father. Bible Scriptures: …
Paul preached to the Corinthians and he said: “For I did not judge [it well] to know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and *him* crucified.” Paul desired to tell the Gospel story of the Lord Jesus who saved him on Damascus Road. Find out how you can be saved by the power of God through the Lord Jesus.