Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier …
Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier …
God’s power has been made known to mankind in Christ. When mankind walked away from God in the garden of Eden there was a plan to redeem the sinner and we see this plan salvation throughout the Bible.
For the believer in Christ, it is the night time. Jesus has been rejected by this world and was crucified at Calvary. Although this is a reality in the world as believers the bright hope of Christ’s return should be shining in our hearts. There is a morning coming when Jesus will descend from the heavens to claim his own. While you are waiting for that glorious day what is your heart occupied with? God desires for your heart to be occupied with the glory of Christ.
In the following Gospel message, you will hear about God’s wonderful love that has reached us through the Lord Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came to rescue needy sinners from perishing. The Bible tells us the work Jesus completed at Calvary’s cross can offer forgiveness of sins and peace with God to mankind.
Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier …
The Bible says our sins are the reason we have been separated from a relationship with the holy God. Our natural reaction may be to go to church, do some good charitable deed to earn favour with God. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the Lord Jesus who came into this world as a saviour for sinners and shed his precious blood to provide salvation for you. It was at Calvary where God dealt with our sin and has provided salvation through the blood of Christ. There is Power in the Blood!
God’s message of grace has been extended even until today so that you may be saved. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came from heaven and journeyed to Calvary’s cross to provide salvation for sinners. The Bible tells us we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but there is hope because Jesus stepped forward as saviour.
Have you heard the story of Jesus? It is a true story about God’s only begotten son whom he sent as a saviour to rescue mankind from perishing. Listen to this message of love, hope and grace today and discover the saviour you need in Jesus.
The Battle between Flesh and Spirit is something the believer is faced with every day. Often we can feel helpless in these situations but we can overcome through Christ and the Spirit’s power.