The Christian is someone who has victory of sin and death because of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the completed work of Christ each believer has hope because Jesus has won the victory. This word was given at the Burial …
The Christian is someone who has victory of sin and death because of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the completed work of Christ each believer has hope because Jesus has won the victory. This word was given at the Burial …
In this Gospel preaching you will hear of 5 big assurances of scripture. There is forgiveness of sins, eternal life, joy, the power to overcome temptation and we have a faithful God who will guide us safely to heaven. Each of these assurances are available for you in the Gospel because of the work the Lord Jesus completed in Calvary’s cross.
Jesus has conquered over sin, death and the power of the devil. Hallelujah Christ is risen. Listen to the following Gospel preaching and discover how you can be saved by the work Jesus completed at Calvary’s cross.
When we gather as Christians there is a desire to bring glory to the Lord Jesus and to edify the body of Christ. The scriptures says, man cannot live by bread alone but by every word of the mouth of God. When we gather we are listening to what the Lord has to say to His church. The Apostle Paul wrote that God has given some evangelists, and some shepherds and teachers to edify the body of Christ. Each of these offices through the service of the Holy Spirit bring edification to a Christian company.
In the following address you will hear about the Lord Jesus as God’s king, Zion’s King and the King of Kings.
Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover what God has done through the person of Jesus Christ to save sinners. Many today will think the Gospel message is foolishness but the scriptures tell us it is God’s power to salvation.
In this Gospel message, you will hear of two people who were changed by the power of the Lord Jesus. God is able to make a change in your life that no one else can and bring hope, peace and joy to your soul.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about some great events from God’s word that can bring you a certain hope. Many people today are searching for hope and certainty in their lives. Jesus came into the world to bring the sinner hope. Over 2000 years ago Jesus journeyed to Calvery’s cross to bring salvation to mankind.
Do You Belong to Christ? Is He precious to you?