God loves you with an everlasting love and He desires for you to be saved from your sins. The Bible tells us that God is willing to forgive you of your sins because of the completed work of the Lord Jesus.
Today God is still speaking to mankind in the Gospel about the message of Jesus. In a world of unrest and uncertainty, God is still speaking and He would desire that you will hear His voice and harden not your heart. The Lord Jesus came into this world to bring salvation to mankind. The scriptures say the soul that sinneth it will die but the great hope in the Gospel is that God has provided a Saviour who has defeated the power of sin and death.
Only Jesus has the power to save. The scriptures point to no one else but the Lord Jesus for salvation from our sins. Listen to the Gospel invitation and discover what Jesus did over 2000 years ago to bring you Salvation from your sins.
Are you ready to meet the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?
This word was given at the Burial Meeting of Clara White on Thursday 24th February 2022.
For the believer, there is hope beyond the grave in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not a wishful dream or a cunningly devised fable but our hope is real in the Saviour, Jesus Christ who has died but lives again. Oh, what a hope.
This word was given at the Burial Meeting of Clara White on Thursday 24th February 2022.
We have a building from God not made with hands but eternal in the heavens. This is the hope of every believer in the Lord Jesus.
This word was given at the Burial Meeting of Clara White on Thursday 24th February 2022.
Who is Jesus to you? Some say a good man, a good teacher or the Messiah. The Bible tells us He is the marked out Son of God in power who came into the world to bring Salvation to all mankind. The Gospel is a message of good news about the Lord Jesus who is able to save us from our sins by the work He completed at the Calvary’s cross.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the love of the Saviour, Jesus Christ who came into the world to bring salvation to all. Throughout the Gospels, there are many encounters when Jesus shows his love to mankind but the most wonderful act of love He showed was at Calvery’s cross.
We all know what it is like to be really thirsty. Many people in the world today are spiritually thirsty and longing for satisfaction for their souls. God is able to quench your thirsty soul by giving you the water of life. This is available to whoever comes in faith to the Lord Jesus.