Although your sins may be many God is not holding them against you. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself there is opportunity in the Gospel to be reconciled to God because of the work of the Lord Jesus.
The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes was a man called Solomon. There is much wisdom contained in these pages of scripture including the call to “remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth”. We live in a world …
One day everyone will stand before God on judgment day to give an account of themselves. Are you ready? The Bible tells us that judgment has come upon this whole habitable world because of sin. In the Gospel we have good news for you, Jesus Christ came into the world to provide salvation from sin. There is a way of escape an it is in Jesus the Saviour of sinners.
What possession in your life is most precious to you? Everyone will answer this question differently. The Gospel is preached to focus our attention on a possession that is far greater than anything material; a relationship with the Savour, Jesus Christ.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear from the scriptures about the righteousness of God. We live in a world of unrighteousness and God assessment of the world in Romans 3 tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. There is good news in the Gospel and the Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
Ezra pours out an appeal from his heart to people to build the house of God in a broken day. We are living in a broken day in 2023. As you read through the book of Ezra you will notice instruction directly from God’s word about the importance of maintaining the House of God. The call goes out today in 2023 ” whoever there among you”. If you have a concern in the broken days in which we live the scriptures direct us to go up and Build the House of God.
In this short ministry word you will hear about the importance of gathering together for the glory of Lord Jesus. It is by gathering together that we can encourage one another as we pray and study God’s word together.
The Christian has a real living hope and it is centred in a person, Jesus Christ. in this ministry word, you will hear what the scriptures say about the hope the believer has in Jesus.
God desires for your soul to prosper and for your faith in the Lord Jesus to really grow. Sometimes our spiritual walk can become dry and we can experience leanness of soul. In this short word you will hear what the scriptures say about prosperity and giving Christ the first place.