The Gospel is preached to awaken you of your need of a Saviour. God has provided a wonderful Saviour in Jesus and He is able and willing to save you. God asked Adam and Eve a question when they sinned and hid in the garden and the the question was, Where are you? God is asking you the same question today. Where are you? Have you responded to God’s invitation in the Gospel?
Jesus is calling you to follow Him. The Gospel is preached that sinners might be forgiven and brought into the joy of eternal life. The Lord Jesus came in to this world to make the heart of God known to mankind. Over 2000 years ago he journeyed to Calvary’s cross where He laid down His life to bring salvation for you. May you answer the Gospel invitation from the Lord Jesus today. Without Christ we are without hope and facing the coming judgment but Jesus is calling you to Him that you may put your faith in Him and be saved.
Hiding is something we do when we are afraid or ashamed of something we’ve done. Adam and Eve hid from the presence of God when they sinned and disobeyed him in the garden of Eden. Cain fled from the presence of God after he murdered his brother Able. The Bible tells us in the book of Romans, “as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men”. The wonderful news in the Gospel is Jesus came into the world to save sinners. At Calvary’s cross Jesus laid down His life to redeem sinners. There is no need to hide from God “he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.”
Have you responded to God’s offer of grace? The Gospel is a invitation from God to you. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” At the cross the Lord Jesus laid down his life that you might be saved. Come and hear the wonderful Gospel story of the Saviour of the world.
Are you suitable for God’s presence? The Gospel is the greatest invitation of all time and it’s a message from God himself. In our sins we have wondered away form a holy God but the Gospel is preached that you may be saved. The Lord Jesus Christ went to Calvary’s cross to save you form your sins. We read in the word of God the Jesus the just one died for the unjust that he may bring us to God.
It is a wonderful thing to come to know Jesus as your personal Saviour. To know that our sins have been forgiven and we have peace with God. It is important though that each believer in Christ is set apart for the glory of God. There is a battle going on in the soul daily. How do we have victory in Jesus each day? In this ministry word we look at scriptures form God’s word to encourage the believer in Jesus to stand for God in days of difficulty.
The Gospel is preached to announce the glorious message of salvation available in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus came to preach “to captives deliverance, and to [the] blind sight, to send forth [the] crushed delivered,19 to preach [the] acceptable year of [the] Lord”. What an amazing message? In this Gospel you will hear of what Jesus has done to set you free from the power of sin and bring in to the joy of eternal life.
Where are you looking for peace, hope or forgiveness? Many people are on the search for peace but cannot find it. Often we think peace can be found in wealth, possessions or in a good career but so many are disappointed even when they obtain some or all of these things. God has provided a Saviour, Jesus Christ that you might have peace in your heart. The Lord Jesus is able to give you true peace by the blood of His cross. Our sins though many can be completely forgiven because of the work of Christ.
In this preaching you will hear of the victorious Gospel message from God’s holy word. The heart of God is seen fully at Calvary’s cross where the Lord Jesus laid down His life for sinners. In this message you will hear of two seals one that was placed on the tomb of Jesus. The second seal referrers to the seal God puts on the heart of the believer who has come to faith in Christ and is sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.