Some day soon the Lord Jesus will come again. While we wait for that blessed day, What are we doing in service for our glorious Lord and Saviour? In this address you will hear of three examples of faithful men of God who served the Lord with faithfulness to the end of their pathways. God would desire for us to be faithful until our Lord Jesus returns.
For the believer in Christ there is full deliverance for those who trust in Him. In the Lord Jesus we have the forgiveness of sins and a joy this world cannot offer.
As Christians we have a hope outside of this hopeless world and it is found in a living Saviour, Jesus Christ.
A blind man called Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by and he wanted to meet Jesus. In this Gospel you will hear what happened when the Lord Jesus had an encounter with blind Bartimaeus.
At the cross the light of God and the love of God met together. God so loved the sinner that he gave His only Son, Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world.
Many people today believe as science and technology advance we will find answers to the many problems in the world today. This is a flimsy hope. The Bible tells us the reason for a broken world is because of sin. In Romans 3 it tells us all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. When sin came in mankind fell away from God and death came in by God’s judgment. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the good news that God has sent a saviour to save sinners and bring us hope.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about the parable of the Sower. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Matthew 13:3-9 “3 And he spoke to them many things in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went out to sow:4 and as he sowed, some …
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about God’s Wonderful Way of Salvation.
Time is precious to each one of us and we often desire to have more of it. Many people today like to think death is the end and that’s it. The Bible tells because of sin it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. There is coming a day when everyone will face God as Saviour or a judge. There is good news in the Gospel now is the well-accepted time; behold, now the day of salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ loves you and He laid down His life at Calvary’s cross to save you from your sins. Have you responded to God’s invitation?