Jesus gave himself to save you from your sins. The Gospel is preached to announce to mankind that salvation is available by the victorious work of the Lord Jesus.
God has manifested His works, His Son and His Love
In this Gospel you will hear of three ways that God has manifested himself to mankind. The three scriptures you will occupied with in this preaching show us that God has manifested his works, God has manifested His Son, Jesus Christ and God has manifested his love.
Jesus has provided great salvation when he came to earth to save sinners. Have you responded to God’s invitation? “how shall *we* escape if we have been negligent of so great salvation”.
Jesus is the turning point that leads to eternal blessing. Many people today are searching for hope but without the Lord Jesus as Saviour many find themselves short of hope. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into this world on a rescue mission to save you from your sins and bring you peace with God. Jesus is the turning point that leads to these blessings.
The Bible tells us that “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself”. God is seeking you and he desires for you to be saved. The Lord Jesus came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost.
Jesus changes lives. In this Gospel preaching you will hear of an encounter that Jesus had with a blind man, Bartimaeus when he was passing by Jericho. The Lord Jesus showing love and grace touched their eyes; and immediately their eyes had sight restored to them.
Sing 23
Enjoy 30 hymns of the faith recorded from our annual Hymn sing in 2023.
The wonderful gift God has given is His beloved son, Jesus Christ who came into this world as a Saviour for sinners. Have you come to the Saviour? The Lord Jesus is willing and able to save you. On the cross the Lord Jesus laid down His life for sinners that we might have peace with God.
Jesus can set you free. God has provided a wonderful deliverer in the Lord Jesus Christ. On the cross the Lord Jesus took on himself your sins and He shed his precious blood. By this great sacrifice God is able to cleanse.