We are brought into many blessings in Christ when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. In this ministry word, you hear from God’s word about Seeing the Unseen things of God.
Jesus is coming soon. We don’t no the day or hour but the Lord Jesus said on the last page of the Bible, “I come quickly”. Are you ready? The Gospel is preached to present to you a wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ who came into the world to save sinners.
Each Christian is on a journey, and the destination is heaven, where Jesus has ascended to His Father’s right hand. While we wait for the Lord’s call to heaven, we are all on a journey, and there are four features we need for this journey. In this address, you will hear of these four features. Firstly, the need to have an altar—a daily communication with God himself through prayer. Secondly, the importance of finding food to sustain you along our journey. Thirdly, when difficulties come, we are not to be diverted from the divine highway. The fourth feature is to keep our eye on the heavenly goal.
“What shall I do?” This is a question we often ask when problems arise in our lives. The Gospel is preached again to point you to the Saviour, Jesus Christ and the wonderful salvation he has provided when he went to Calvary’s cross. The Gospel is an invitation to you from God himself. What then shall I do with Jesus?
Throughout the whole of history there was no one like Jesus. The Lord Jesus was set apart from everyone else he knew no sin he was perfect. God proclaimed on the mountain of transfiguration with a bright light shining on the face of Jesus, “This* is my beloved Son, in whom I have found my delight: hear him”. The Gospel is preached to point you to this glorious saviour, Jesus Christ who journeyed to Calvary’s cross to save you from your sins.
The Gospel points you to a saviour for sinners who came to this earth to bring salvation for mankind. Who is this? The Bible tells there is only one name under heaven by which we must be saved and it …
We are beginning an new year and by God’s wonderful grace the Gospel is still being proclaimed to mankind. What wonderful love is shown to us by God. Over 2000 years ago the Lord Jesus came into the world to save sinners and bring salvation by going to Calvary’s cross.
The Lord is faithful provides for us day by day. In this ministry word you will hear of examples from the scriptures when God provided for his people.
What is a Christian man and a Christian women? The scriptures tell us in the beginning God created male and female. In this ministry word, you will hear what the Bible says about the role of men and women in the church and service for the Lord.