What does real Faith & Hope look like? – Refresh 24
This year at Refresh 2024 we looked at the subject of Reality and what it means to be a real Christian. In this talk, you we will look at what real faith and hope looks like in the believer’s life. In Hebrews 11 there are several examples of men and women who lived by faith and they trusted God daily. Moses was one of these examples who had faith and hope in God.
This year at Refresh 2024 we looked at the subject of Reality and what it means to be a real Christian. In this talk, you we will look at the reality of Faith & Hope for the believer in the Lord Jesus. Sometimes we can become discouraged and doubts can enter our minds. At times like these it’s good to look back at God has done for us. Looking back helps us look forward in reality of faith.
This year at Refresh 2024 we looked at the subject of Reality and what it means to be a real Christian. In this talk, we will look at the reality of true Worship. The scriptures says God is a Spirit and He must be worshiped in spirit and truth. Obstacles to true worship can so easlily come to hinder our worship with God. In this talk you will hear what ture worship is from God’s word.
This year at Refresh 2024 we looked at the subject of Reality and what it means to be a real Christian. In this talk, you we will look at the reality of brotherly love in Christianity. The writer of the …
God is merciful to the sinner. The love of God has been revealed to mankind through the Lord Jesus Christ. He came into the world to seek and to save the lost and bring salvation for you.
In the Gospel we have a wonderful shepherd and saviour to present to mankind. Who is this Shepherd and a Saviour? The Bible points us to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many in the world today would claim to have found wisdom. The Bible tells us that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. The Gospel is preached to annouce God’s plan of Salvation to mankind. Paul writes in Corinthians, ” the word of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but to us that are saved it is God’s power.” Jesus came into this world to save you from your sins and bring salvation to a broken world.
Do you have peace? Many people today are searching for peace. In the Gospel, there is good news because Jesus can give you peace. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into this world to seek and to save sinners. He went to Calvery’s cross where he laid down His life for our sins. The scripture says peace has been made by the blood of His cross. Our sins can be forgiven and we can have peace with God because of the victorious work of Jesus.
The Bible teaches us that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Through our sins, we distance ourselves from the holy and righteous God against whom we have transgressed. What Can Wash Away My Sin? The scriptures proclaim that salvation is found in Jesus Christ, through the work he accomplished on Calvary’s cross.