Without Jesus, we can’t make it to heaven and our sins cannot be forgiven. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came to this earth to save you. He journeyed to Calvary’s cross as part of God’s great salvation plan to rescue you …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear The Next Great Event, the coming of the Lord Jesus. No one knows the day or the hour of the second coming of Christ but we know from scripture it is the next great event that will happen in God’s timing. Are you ready for the coming of Jesus?
The Gospel is preached to present a wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ to you. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into the world to save sinners and bring us into eternal life. Oh, what a wonderful saviour!
Have you got your eye on the Cornerstone? In this address, you will hear of the importance of giving the Lord Jesus Christ the first place in your life. Whether it be at school, college or work we should always give Him the first place.
In this Address, you will hear about the Spirit of the Blessed man who now is risen and glorified at his father right hand. Bible Scripture: Darby Translation 2 Kings 2:9-14 “9 And it came to pass when they had gone …
Sonship is a theme that runs throughout the scriptures but is often overlooked. What is sonship? Tune into this address to understand more about the teaching of sonship and how it can lead to enjoying every spiritual blessing in Christ.
In the Gospel, God sends out an urgent warning to all mankind concerning a coming judgment. A day has been set by God in which He will judge the habitable earth. But currently it is still the day of grace …
In this address, you will hear of the importance of prayer to the believer’s life. As we read of Lord Jesus we see a great man of prayer. We as his followers should model our lives to be more like Him. Listen to this address to discover how to achieve this.
In the following address, you will hear what the scriptures say about The Divine answer.