What does it mean to follow Jesus? In this address you will hear what the scriptures teach us about following Jesus and what it truly means to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this ministry word, you will hear of three promises. Firstly, the promise of the first coming of Christ; secondly, the promise of the Holy Spirit; and finally, the promise of the return of Christ.
Peter and John were marked by boldness because of the confidence they had in the Lord Jesus Christ. Each beliver should be marked by boldness in service for the Lord.
In this ministry word, you will occupied with the uniqueness and glory of Christ.
Many people have asked this question throughout history: How do I get to Heaven? Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In this gospel preaching, you will hear of the way to heaven through the saviour that God has provided, Jesus Christ.
Your feet are your point of contact with the world. Where you go and what you do, your feet go with you. The Gospel message goes out to announce to mankind the way of salvation in Jesus Christ. The Bible says there are two roads: one that leads to life and one that leads to death. What path are you on?
Each Christian has been called to service. We have been called to serve the King of Kings, our Lord Jesus Christ. Have you answered His call?
Sometimes our faith can dry up during our Christian pathway. In the Christian life, sometimes we need to be refreshed so we can be sustianed on our journey for the Lord. In this address you will hear about Refreshment and why it’s so important for every believer.
Jesus went to the cross for you. The scriptures tell us “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”. God sent His son Jesus into the world to rescue fallen mankind from sin and death. The Gospel is a wonderful message of salvation that you can receive by coming to God in repentance and faith.