The “GOOD NEWS” of the Gospel is that you can be forgiven of your sins and have eternal life all because of what Jesus did. In this Gospel preaching, you hear of how God has acted to secure salvation for …
In Christ, each believer has total security because of the victorious work of Jesus. If we build our lives firmly on the Lord Jesus Christ we can say we have a firm foundation. In this address, you will hear more of how we’ve to be brought into a safe place by the love and grace of God.
In this Gospel Preaching, you will hear of how the Lord Jesus Christ has provided Salvation. He came to this earth to reveal God’s righteousness and love. In the Gospel, we see how God so loved the world that he …
The Gospel is the Greatest message of all. Its Good news to the sinner that there is Salvation completely in the one person and Saviour Jesus Christ. He came to this earth on a rescue mission the Bible says Christ …
The Bible tells us we have sinned in the sight of a holy God but there is good news to share. Jesus came over 2000 years ago to rescue the sinner and provide salvation by going to Calvary’s cross. Jesus died and rose again three days later. This glorious message is being preached that you might be SAVED and receive it by Faith.
A Word for the Professor, the Confessor & the Rejecter
If Jesus came back today would he take you home to heaven as a Christian? Many say I go to church, I do good works and I own a Bible but the question is do you know Jesus as your own personal saviour? Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover how you can be saved because Jesus went to Calvary.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the righteousness through faith in Christ from reading from the third chapter of Philippians. Bible Scriptures: Philippians 3:1-14 “3 For the rest, my brethren, rejoice in [the] Lord: to write the same …
Jesus who is King of King’s Lord of Lord’s came to this earth over 2000 years ago to bring Salvation to mankind. The scriptures tell us that Jesus who is King of Kings was born into this world. He knew …
Salvation has been provided by a great Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. Who came to this Earth over 2000 years ago. The Bible says no sin was found in Jesus he was Perfect in every way. But the Bible goes …