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Believing and Confessing

Preachers Corner https://www.preacherscorner.org.uk

The Gospel message is so real and yet so simple. Even today it stands out amongst the many newspaper’s printed the many stories told. It is the Gospel that is the real way of Salvation. Through Jesus Christ alone.

So what is the Gospel all about? It is all about Jesus God’s only son. Who came to this earth to bring Salvation to all who believe in him as Saviour and Lord. He went to the cross where he was crucified, Where he took on himself our punishment “our sins”. Where he shed his blood that we might be set free. But that is not the END! Three days later Jesus rose…

Because Jesus was perfect, nothing could keep Him in death, and He is living today. How amazing – the Saviour of the human race has brought salvation which is available to all! Jesus shed His precious blood! By this great sacrifice, God is able to cleanse. Amazing!

“the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7)

To receive this great Salvation the Bible tells us to REPENT and BELIEVE. To repent means to be willing to change, to turn from your sins and depend totally on the Lord Jesus Christ in faith and “whosoever believes on him may not perish, but have life eternal.” John 3:16.

Bible Scripture Read:-

Romans 10:1010 For with [the] heart is believed to righteousness; and with [the] mouth confession made to salvation.”



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